
Articles on hearing

The most common cause for ears to feel clogged or plugged is Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (Eustachian is pronounced “You-Station”). The Eustachian tube connects the back of the nose to the middle ear and serves to protect, ventilate and drain the middle ear when necessary to...

A hearing aid is a small electronic device that is typically worn in or behind the ear(s) to assist with and improve hearing, speech understanding, communication, and overall quality of life. All hearing aids, regardless of style or size, have the same basic components: a microphone, an amplifier,...

After purchasing a new pair of shoes, you no doubt notice that the shoes feel stiff or snug. Typically, there is an adjustment period to “break in” the shoes. The same can be said about your new hearing aids. In fact, like a new pair of shoes,...

In addition to diagnostic audiological evaluations, hearing professionals provide ongoing support and care for your hearing and your hearing aids. When you trust a hearing professional with your hearing healthcare, you can be sure that your hearing aids are customized to the physical attributes of...

Children with normal hearing begin learning speech and language long before they begin speaking. Early diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing loss increase the likelihood of developing better listening skills, as well as better language and articulation. The selection of a hearing aid(s) is based on the idea...

Hearing aids are getting more and more advanced. With all the extra processing power and new features in today’s hearing aids, you can typically get 3-10 days off a single battery. Why is the life of a hearing aid battery so unpredictable, where one battery may last a...

Hearing aids are constantly exposed to moisture, wax and other foreign materials. As with any high-tech device, exposure to these harsh environments can understandably degrade and eventually interfere with proper functionality. These issues may be accelerated for hearing aid wearers with more active lifestyles. That’s why...

There are many actions which can be taken to make listening safe for all. These include measures put in place by individual users, as well as parents, teachers, managers, and manufacturers. Select actions are highlighted below: What can individuals do? Keep the volume down As noted, the daily...

Exposure to loud sounds for any length of time causes fatigue of the ear’s sensory cells. The result is temporary hearing loss or tinnitus (a ringing sensation in the ear). A person enjoying a loud concert may come out experiencing “muffled” hearing or tinnitus. The...

Were you aware that you can enjoy better hearing at the movie theater courtesy of your hearing aids? That’s right! There is a system inside most hearing aids that “talks to” a built-in system in the theater. It’s as if you are hearing the theater’s...