
Hearing Loss Has No Age Requirement

Hearing Loss Has No Age Requirement

Did you know that it can make a huge difference in your life if you have your hearing tested early in life? That might sound like a bold statement to you, but it is true. With early detection of hearing loss, a medical professional can help you preserve your natural level of hearing. This early action will stunt the loss and you won’t suffer later in life from any of the cognitive side effects of hearing loss.

“But my hearing is great! It won’t happen to me!”

Hearing loss has a very sneaky way of slowly taking away a person’s freedom and confidence when it goes untreated. Don’t fall victim to this highly preventable condition! Stand up and spread the word about early hearing loss detection.

“Hearing loss won’t affect my life!”

Out of all aging people, those with hearing impairment tend to lose cognitive abilities 40% faster than those without hearing loss. One reason is that with hearing loss, confidence in one’s abilities lessens leaving stress and frustration in its wake. The more a person suffers from hearing loss, the less likely they are to want to join social situations. They hide their lack of hearing by shying away from any situation that may cause embarrassment. This can lead to depression and even dementia, especially in the elderly.

“So what can I do?”

Something as small as a hearing exam can improve your chances of not suffering from a decrease in cognitive ability as you age. The earlier any hearing loss (even the most minute) is detected and treated the better!

Advances in technology have made treatment even easier! No longer cumbersome devices that draw attention, the newest versions of hearing aids are small, comfortable, and unbelievably reliable. Some even look like your standard high tech Bluetooth headset or can’t even be seen at all. So no embarrassment awaits, just the clarity only possible with good hearing! Keep yourself ahead of the game and have your hearing assessed* by a hearing care professional today!

Source: http://audiologyhearing.org/hearing-loss-no-age-requirement/