

10 + 1 Myths about hearing loss

Very few people are actually suffering from hearing loss while the probability that either myself or my family will suffer too is almost none

Hearing loss cases are far more than we think. Just in Greece, 900 000 people have experienced some form of hearing loss. It is very likely that either you or someone from your family has some type of hearing loss without knowing it.

If I suffered from hearing loss, I would surely know it

Not necessarily. Hearing loss often develops slowly and is not immediately perceptible, since the defenses of our body can make it difficult to perceive it. A simple test will determine if there is, indeed, a problem.

My hearing is fine, it is others who speak through their teeth

In cases of moderate hearing loss, what is often missed is high-pitched sounds, such as female and children’s voices, the letters F, T, S and the beginning and end of words, rendering all speech more difficult to perceive and comprehend.

Hearing aids enhance all sounds, even noise

Thanks to the advancement of digital technology, hearing aids now have the ability to limit the range of incoming sounds and choose which sounds to focus on, reducing the annoying noise and conversations sourced laterally or behind you.

When someone has hearing loss, it simply means that sounds are not adequately loud to be perceived

This is just part of the truth. Other symptoms include difficulty in hearing when in crowded places or in group discussions; being able to hear sound but without understanding what is actually being said; finally words sound more like a continuous mumble as if there are no gaps between them.

Hearing aids are too big and look ugly

Most people are not aware of the latest developments in the technology of hearing aids. Many of them are surprisingly small and discreet, even invisible, while the advanced technology they incorporate has rendered the old, bulky hearing aids obsolete.

Using a hearing aid is a sign of old age

Although hearing loss is more common among the elderly, there are many cases of middle-aged or even younger people with hearing loss symptoms. Remember that hearing loss is more apparent than a hearing aid.

I believe I cannot get help for my type of hearing loss

In most cases, a sensorineural hearing loss may be aided by the amplification of sound, thus enabling even more patients to deal with hearing loss and improve their hearing.

A good hearing aid is very expensive

akouson offers you a variety of products, globally distinguished for their top quality, in a range of prices, thus enabling you to choose one that is within your budget. Remember that a hearing aid is an investment aimed at upgrading your quality of life through improved hearing.

Hearing tests are expensive and exhausting

Hearing tests are often administered free of charge or for a minimal fee. They are offered in almost all public and private hospitals, as well as by private doctors. It’s not painful or tiring at all. Such a test is necessary, in order to allow a Hearing Aid Dispenser to discuss the problem with you and also propose possible alternatives in detail.

A hearing aid can fully restore my hearing

Hearing aids are, as the name implies, a support, not therapy. Therefore, they cannot restore the normal hearing process, nor change the path of attenuation of the auditory nerve. It is only a part of the hearing recovery and may need to be supplemented by acoustic learning.