
Articles on hearing

Hearing aids are perceived as costly, and some people may seek out less expensive alternatives called Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs). These alternatives can cost anywhere from $20 to hundreds of dollars, but are they really a “good” choice? Keep reading to find out. David Gauvey...

No matter how healthy you are, one thing you can count on is developing some degree of hearing loss as you age. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, age is the strongest predictor of hearing loss among adults aged 20-69 with those between the ages of...

Swimmer’s ear is an infection found in the outer ear canal, the area that extends from the outer ear (pinna) to the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The medical term for swimmer’s ear is otitis externa. Swimmer’s ear occurs when moisture gets trapped in the outer ear...

What is tinnitus? Tinnitus is the medical term for the sensation of hearing sound in your ears when no external sound is present. Tinnitus affects a lot of people, many of whom describe the sound as "ringing in ears," though others describe it as hissing, buzzing, whistling, roaring...

Τι πρέπει να γνωρίζω σχετικά με τα ακουστικά βαρηκοΐας για το παιδί μου; Για να επωφεληθεί στο μέγιστο το παιδί σας της χρήσης ενός ακουστικού βαρηκοΐας, θα πρέπει να επισκεφθείτε μαζί με το παιδί σας ένα πιστοποιημένο κέντρο ακοής και να συμβουλευτείτε έναν ακοοπροθετιστή αναφορικά με...

The ancient philosopher, Zeno, once said: “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” While it is a great lesson, it is not the real reason why we have two ears. We have two ears...

This question requires one of those “good news, bad news” answers! The bad news is: once the hearing is lost, it’s impossible to restore it to how it was. The good news is: Although it is impossible to restore hearing, it is possible to treat and improve hearing loss...